Giving Tuesday 2021

Remnant Initiatives (RI) is a grassroots, primarily volunteer-run nonprofit providing reentry services for some of our most vulnerable neighbors transitioning from incarceration back into mainstream society. As COVID-19 has remained a pressing concern in our communities, RI has worked hard to ensure our neighbors coming out of prison can safely return while also diligently mitigating virus transmission. Given prison’s overcrowded, less sanitary conditions, they remain highly susceptible to outbreaks even though vaccinations are now available. For over a year now, RI has continued our efforts to make sure folks leaving prison (who we refer to as our neighbors-in-transition; NITs) don’t bring COVID-19 back with them.

Because of our commitment to safety, RI has been able to continue our program during the pandemic even as similar reentry programs came to a halt. In fact, RI has served more individuals than ever before in 2021! As vaccinations have brought some return to “normalcy” this year, many of our services have begun returning to normal as well.

Prior to the pandemic, typical release days involved an RI volunteer picking up an NIT on their release day, providing them with a phone and one month of minutes, taking them to meet with their parole officer, buying essential groceries and clothing, and making any other essential stops. We are happy to say that this has started to take place again!

In addition, as more in-person resources have opened up for NITs, transportation needs have increased. So have technology needs. These increased demands—combined with the increase of individuals we serve—have taken a toll on RI’s finances and personnel availability.

We are raising money to cover these additional costs as the pandemic continues affecting our work and our new neighbors continue returning to our community. If you can, please donate today and help us keep serving regardless of the circumstances surrounding COVID-19.

Together we can keep Yamhill Valley safe and healthy!

Click the “Donate“ section on our website or go to to make a contribution!